Monday, December 19, 2005

Blog Backlog-

First of all- I know I know I know- My Blog has been neglected and your are left wondering, "What's up with Andrew???" Alas- it is time to update.

I passed my CLU exam- I now have 6 out of 8 completed for this insurance designation. You might ask what will this do for him (I often ask the same thing)... it basically certifies that I know insurance and financial planning very very well. Many jobs in the insurance and financial planning industry will be opened to me with the completion of this designation.

Needless to say my life was pretty tied up in studying studying and more studying for this lovely test.

I have managed to have some holiday fun here and there too. The shopping is done & mostly wrapped. The tree is up and decorated (I am attaching a photo for your viewing pleasure)- and all the rest of the holiday "stuff" is under way. I really have a pretty light and stress free week ahead - Thank God- I work until mid-day Thursday and then I am off until Tuesday January 3rd. This is the longest non-medical time period off of work in like 6 years. I don't have many plans- other than family holiday fun, visiting with Laura (Welcome home from Bangledesh), and all the other usual holiday fun. My buddies Dan and Ray both have the entire week off too-- I'm sure we'll find some trouble to get into!

I hope everyone is doing well - Merry Christmas.


amber said...

Congratulations on passing your test, Andrew!

And your tree is beautiful.

I thought of you as we were driving home from Springfield today. One of these days I'll have to stop and see your gorgeous house--I'll call ya next time we pass through.

Enjoy your holiday time!

Meg said...