Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Where does the time go?

I have been very busy - but don't have a great deal to show for it.
Pretty much every minute of my personal time has been consumed studying for my exam as I strive towards my CLU designation. These courses are about as dry and boring and you can get. I am currently not feeling ready at all for the test- and it is next Friday- YIKES. I pray that soon and very soon that I will begin to feel more confident as I study.

It is cold cold cold here! It was 10 degrees this morning when I walked the dog this morning- now that is FRIGID!

I am having trouble getting into the holiday spirit- I went to the Holiday Pops at The Symphony last weekend, put up my tree, listening to Christmas music, and so forth- but I am just not in the spirit. Oh well-

I am very excited to have Laura returning to Ohio from Bangledesh soon- hopefully we can hang out and have lots good times. I know that it will be a major transition for her to come home and all- and that life is full of uncertainty right now- but for my own selfish reasons I will be glad to have her back in Ohio.

OK- my BLOG buddies- I need some updates for those of you neglecting your BLOGS (You know who you are). I confess that I have been bad too- but I posted today and I urge you to do the same- I need some news on my friends!

Take Care

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