Saturday, May 27, 2006

Reflections on Moving On.

This is it- my last morning waking up in Columbus, my furniture is on a large truck somewhere between here and Chicago. I slept in a hotel last night and will spend the next few days at my parents home before reconstructing my life.

Yesterday it hit me like a semi-truck that IT'S OVER- there is no turning back. The place that I called home and retreated to for 6 years is vacant. There have been good and bad times in Columbus. I officially was born and raised in Kenton, Ohio-- I went to college and most would say I "came of age" while at Bluffton College- but personally I feel I really became comfortable in my skin here. I made some mistakes- had some fun- made good friends- but most of all I evoloved into the person I am today. Thank you Columbus for that.

I now am ready to move forward and face the future- yes I am a little scared and nervous for what the future holds- as I should be- but I am excited.. ready for the new adventures that life holds.

Now I need to vent- I am really surprised at how self centered some of my friends and family have been during this whole move.... I enjoy being a supportive and giving perons- but the past two weeks have been times that I needed my friends and family for me to lean on- and quite frankly some of the them failed me.... many came through and for their support both physical and emotional I am grateful. I think that we can all at times be self absorbed- but we need to be conscious of the needs of those around us- just some food for thought.

Oh- one last randon thought-- I thought the girl should have won American Idol.

Reflections on Moving On.

This is it- my last morning waking up in Columbus, my furniture is on a large truck somewhere between here and Chicago. I slept in a hotel last night and will spend the next few days at my parents home before reconstructing my life.

Yesterday it hit me like a semi-truck that IT'S OVER- there is no turning back. The place that I called home and retreated to for 6 years is vacant. There have been good and bad times in Columbus. I officially was born and raised in Kenton, Ohio-- I went to college and most would say I "came of age" while at Bluffton College- but personally I feel I really became comfortable in my skin here. I made some mistakes- had some fun- made good friends- but most of all I evoloved into the person I am today. Thank you Columbus for that.

I now am ready to move forward and face the future- yes I am a little scared and nervous for what the future holds- as I should be- but I am excited.. ready for the new adventures that life holds.

Now I need to vent- I am really surprised at how self centered some of my friends and family have been during this whole move.... I enjoy being a supportive and giving perons- but the past two weeks have been times that I needed my friends and family for me to lean on- and quite frankly some of the them failed me.... many came through and for their support both physical and emotional I am grateful. I think that we can all at times be self absorbed- but we need to be conscious of the needs of those around us- just some food for thought.

Oh- one last randon thought-- I thought the girl should have won American Idol.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I said HEY what's going on????

Whew- this whole moving business is exhausting!!! When I bought this place 6 years ago I closed on June 25th and then moved in on July 15th- so I had a few weeks and a holiday weekend to move and clean. Each night after work I went to my apartment and loaded up the car and took a load to the new place. On moving day I basically had the entire place moved except for the large items.

Now I am having movers coming and load me up. I am kind of excited to have a crew of professional movers pack all my stuff. Finally I feel ready and prepared for them to come.

I met with the realtor last night- she was really impressed with my place- I do need to clean that dingy back room of the basement and make it more presentable before I officially put it on the market.

This week has been full of useless training- yesterday I spent 3 hours in a class to teach me how to use Nationwide's email system- which I have been using for 5 and a half years-- doesn't make much sense does it?

OK- I have the AM off and have some errands to run.. I wanted to keep everyone up to date on my life and times!!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Welcome Dillon James!

My second nephew was born Friday May 19th at 1:02 PM at Riverside Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. I enjoyed lots of baby time over the weekend. Nothing will destress a person more that holding a new bundle of joy.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Delivery Day-

It is finally here- May 19th and today at noon my second nephew will be born. It seems like only yesterday that Devan was born- but I keep reminding myself that was practically 3 years ago. So this will be an interesting weekend full of family fun I am sure. I just can't wait to hold the new baby- what an awesome experience. It will be somewhat new - since Devan was a premie and only weighed 4 pounds- and was in ICU for a month before I could hold him.

I have to admit that I cried last night during Will and Grace-- over the years I have loved the show- especially the humor of Karen & Jack. In the past few years I thought the writing had gotten weak and a bit too far fetched-- like Stan Walker dying and then coming back because he facked his death. In the end the message was simple- it is all about family and friends and the bond that we share... sometimes the road gets bumpy- but we have to hang on for the ride.
The show ansered alot of questions and gave me sense of resolution- it was so much resolution for a one hour show- I wish that they would have made it a 2 hour show- there were so many questions still to answer.

Now- move details.
Next Thursday is packing day- the moving company comes in and turns my home into a wonderland of boxes.
Next Friday - loading day- the big truck comes to take my stuff to Chicago.
All they can tell me at this time is that it will arrive in Chicago the next week- so I plan to go to the parents for Memorial Day weekend to have some quality baby time!

TGIF and have a great weekend.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

New Pad- New City-

It has been a very stressful and crazy week.
First I must give a HUGE thank you to my awesome friend Megan and her wonderful husband Matt for being such great friends to me- they not only listened to me unwind after a busy day of apartment hunting- but Megan made time in her very busy schedule to tag along with me and a realtor to view some properties.

After getting an education on what was available for rent and what my dollar could purchase I decided to rent for a year and see how things go. I also totally fell in love with the apartment- it is so perfect- I even have huge deck that I can bbq on this summer- and the place has incredible character. It is in a great area of town called Andersonville- it is close to the EL, the lake, and I can walk 2 short blocks to great cafes, coffee shops, a gym, and even cool bars! Of course Matt & Megan being less that a mile away is a nice selling point as well. It is a huge 3 bedrooms and 2 baths- so please come and visit as I have plenty of room. Don't forget about the 42" plasma that will be in my den!

I have to be honest I was a complete mess until I made the decision to rent- and now I have an overwhelming peace of mind- I feel this was where I was meant to be.

Tonite was totally fun- 2 of my favorite girls were my "dates" for the evening of dinner and margaritas! Missy, Dawn, & I had a fabulous time at a local bar and grill. I am looking forward to hanging out with my girls since I will now be a local!

I am tired tonite and hope that I can have a wonderful weekend filled with family and friends- and of course I will not forget Mother's Day.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Relocation Update-

I am here in the Windy City and getting ready to take Chicago by storm.
So far from the business meetings I have had- this is a market prime and ready for picking.. I should do very very well in my sales endeavors. I have looked at some apartments last night and found one that I really like- of course it is also the most explensive place i have seen to date. Today I am exploring the purchase route to see if that is the more fiscally responsible way to go (man that sounded Republican - UGH!!!!)--

I did enjoy having a few drinks with Megan and Matt last night which gave me a good time to unwind and decompress from the day. I am excited to have Megan come along with me today to look at some condos as well- it is alwyas good to have another set of eyes to survey the property.

I need to run for now- I am sad that I missed American Idol last night- to be honest I am not terribly impressed with anyone that is left-- so whoever wins winds- that is how I look at it.

Keep checking in for more updates and pray that the things swirling in my head slow down so I can get a decent nights sleep. Tomorrow I am off to Milwaukee, WI-- anyone need some cheese??

Monday, May 08, 2006

Ferugson Rocks!!!!!!

Ok- I have to brag on one of my bestest friends-- Ferguson (otherwise known as Laura). She came to Columbus Saturday evening and after an evening of crashing on the couch and watching TV we were off to Bob Evans for all types of buttermilk pancake goodness!!! Next we went to Barnes and Noble to pick up a copy of the Chicago Tribune- guess what the front page cover story was??? "Finally a Buyers Market in Chicago"-- Hurray, because I need to buy a place ASAP!!! Laura & I then attacked the BASEMENT!!!! 6 years of unneccessary junk and dust bunnies were waiting for us. I think there were boxes of stuff I had not unpaked or even though about since college!!! YIKES!!! I need to make a resolution that in Chicago I will not be such a bad packrat. PURGE PURGE PURGE!!! We then went to the church to unload friend Helene's very macho truck (thanks Helen-- You ROCK too!!!) for the rummage sale- some United Methodist Mission project is going to profit big time from my relocation. I then rewarded Larua- we had a delightful Al Fresco (or is it Alfredo???-- an inside joke -- ask Laura)- lunch at my favorite organic cafe in The Short North.. we shared the most Insanely delicious double chocolate cookie I have ever eaten- we both agreed that maybe we should try to legally marry that cookie instead of finding life partners!!!!

Ok- so it is Monday Morning at 9am and I am stuck in the Columbus aiport- Thank you American Airlines for screwing up my day- I am supposed to be in Chicago by now- but my plane's engine apparently was ready to explode or something like that -so I am stuck waiting until 10:39 for a United flight- UGH-- Thank God Columbus airport has free wireless internet.

I am doing OK on the entire relocation thing- except I am STRESSED to the max. I am not really sleeping too well. Currently there are just so many unknowns and my Type A personality is going crazy trying to answer all the unknowns-- ARRRGGGGHHHH..

I hope to have a new pad secured this week- don't worry I will take pictures and post as soon as I can!!!

Take care and have a wonderful week!!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Details, details, details....

Have you ever tried to pack up 6 years of your life in 30 days or less??? If you have then you know the stress and sense of being overwhelmed that I am going through!

Here is what I know as of now: I start June 1, 2006 in Chicago.
I will be in Chicago next week to secure a place to live and such.
My sister is having her baby in 2 weeks.
I have too much CRAP!

Other than that my life is a bowl of questions- and I am struggling to find the answers. I know they will come but for me sooner is better than later.

I did get the offer- and let me say I was enjoying seeing so many zeros!!! Wohooo!!!!! Praise the LORD!!! AMEN!!!

OK- so next week good friends and fellow Bloggers Dawn & Megan will be house hunting with me in The Windy city and my good friend Helene will be dog and house sitting for Trevor!
I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends!

I will be posting all vital information on my life and times on here.