Saturday, May 27, 2006

Reflections on Moving On.

This is it- my last morning waking up in Columbus, my furniture is on a large truck somewhere between here and Chicago. I slept in a hotel last night and will spend the next few days at my parents home before reconstructing my life.

Yesterday it hit me like a semi-truck that IT'S OVER- there is no turning back. The place that I called home and retreated to for 6 years is vacant. There have been good and bad times in Columbus. I officially was born and raised in Kenton, Ohio-- I went to college and most would say I "came of age" while at Bluffton College- but personally I feel I really became comfortable in my skin here. I made some mistakes- had some fun- made good friends- but most of all I evoloved into the person I am today. Thank you Columbus for that.

I now am ready to move forward and face the future- yes I am a little scared and nervous for what the future holds- as I should be- but I am excited.. ready for the new adventures that life holds.

Now I need to vent- I am really surprised at how self centered some of my friends and family have been during this whole move.... I enjoy being a supportive and giving perons- but the past two weeks have been times that I needed my friends and family for me to lean on- and quite frankly some of the them failed me.... many came through and for their support both physical and emotional I am grateful. I think that we can all at times be self absorbed- but we need to be conscious of the needs of those around us- just some food for thought.

Oh- one last randon thought-- I thought the girl should have won American Idol.


amber said...

Hang in there, Andrew! I've been thinking of you often with your move & you'll be in my prayers as you adjust to your new life!

By the way, I voted for Kat (AI)... about 100 times ;0)

Missy said...

Andy, I'd be willing to support you any time, Sugar Momma Anyone? I can not wait for you to be here, I can already taste the aligator at the tast of Chicago!!!!