Friday, May 19, 2006

Delivery Day-

It is finally here- May 19th and today at noon my second nephew will be born. It seems like only yesterday that Devan was born- but I keep reminding myself that was practically 3 years ago. So this will be an interesting weekend full of family fun I am sure. I just can't wait to hold the new baby- what an awesome experience. It will be somewhat new - since Devan was a premie and only weighed 4 pounds- and was in ICU for a month before I could hold him.

I have to admit that I cried last night during Will and Grace-- over the years I have loved the show- especially the humor of Karen & Jack. In the past few years I thought the writing had gotten weak and a bit too far fetched-- like Stan Walker dying and then coming back because he facked his death. In the end the message was simple- it is all about family and friends and the bond that we share... sometimes the road gets bumpy- but we have to hang on for the ride.
The show ansered alot of questions and gave me sense of resolution- it was so much resolution for a one hour show- I wish that they would have made it a 2 hour show- there were so many questions still to answer.

Now- move details.
Next Thursday is packing day- the moving company comes in and turns my home into a wonderland of boxes.
Next Friday - loading day- the big truck comes to take my stuff to Chicago.
All they can tell me at this time is that it will arrive in Chicago the next week- so I plan to go to the parents for Memorial Day weekend to have some quality baby time!

TGIF and have a great weekend.


Meg said...

Yeah new baby! Name and picture please

Missy said...

Name a picture good, but when will you be here to hand it over in person?