Monday, May 08, 2006

Ferugson Rocks!!!!!!

Ok- I have to brag on one of my bestest friends-- Ferguson (otherwise known as Laura). She came to Columbus Saturday evening and after an evening of crashing on the couch and watching TV we were off to Bob Evans for all types of buttermilk pancake goodness!!! Next we went to Barnes and Noble to pick up a copy of the Chicago Tribune- guess what the front page cover story was??? "Finally a Buyers Market in Chicago"-- Hurray, because I need to buy a place ASAP!!! Laura & I then attacked the BASEMENT!!!! 6 years of unneccessary junk and dust bunnies were waiting for us. I think there were boxes of stuff I had not unpaked or even though about since college!!! YIKES!!! I need to make a resolution that in Chicago I will not be such a bad packrat. PURGE PURGE PURGE!!! We then went to the church to unload friend Helene's very macho truck (thanks Helen-- You ROCK too!!!) for the rummage sale- some United Methodist Mission project is going to profit big time from my relocation. I then rewarded Larua- we had a delightful Al Fresco (or is it Alfredo???-- an inside joke -- ask Laura)- lunch at my favorite organic cafe in The Short North.. we shared the most Insanely delicious double chocolate cookie I have ever eaten- we both agreed that maybe we should try to legally marry that cookie instead of finding life partners!!!!

Ok- so it is Monday Morning at 9am and I am stuck in the Columbus aiport- Thank you American Airlines for screwing up my day- I am supposed to be in Chicago by now- but my plane's engine apparently was ready to explode or something like that -so I am stuck waiting until 10:39 for a United flight- UGH-- Thank God Columbus airport has free wireless internet.

I am doing OK on the entire relocation thing- except I am STRESSED to the max. I am not really sleeping too well. Currently there are just so many unknowns and my Type A personality is going crazy trying to answer all the unknowns-- ARRRGGGGHHHH..

I hope to have a new pad secured this week- don't worry I will take pictures and post as soon as I can!!!

Take care and have a wonderful week!!!


the muse said...

Andrew, please try not to get yourself completely stressed out. You have a bunch of people here in Chicago who are ready, willing and able to help you out with whatever you might need. For example, I am not only willing to take you to Ikea, but to also ply you with alcohol until you are a little calmer. =)

Hang in there!

amber said...

Hey, Andrew - good luck with the move! I must admit, I'm a little envious that you're moving to Chicago ;)

But remember to take care of yourself, too!