Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Achieving New Balance-

What a difference a year has made- I have now been in Chicago and in my new role as an external wholesaler for a year. It has been a fun year of adjustments and life changes. I have moved two times in 12 months (not fun) and basically taken my life and turned it upside down. I used to live a very 9-5 life filled with routine. Each day was literally the same and my life pretty much ticked on a rigid schedule. Today I am constantly in flux- no two days are the same ever. My poor company car has taken me over 40,000 miles in the past year. Don't get me wrong - I am having the absolute time of my life and living out the American Dream. My career is going well- and I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to do what I am doing. I guess the question is - at what price am I sacrificing all of this for?? Do I have a chance at achieving the all American dream of a family and a normal home life??? Or will I wake up and be a tacky 55 year old traveling insurance salesman?

I feel really bad that I have such wonderful friends in Chicago- and yet I struggle to find time to really hang out with them as I would like. I want to form friendships with new acquaintances and I also want to sustain the friendships I already have. Yet I am feel like I am in a constant battle with the clock-- always strapped for time-- waking up feeling like I am already 5 minutes behind... I guess I just need to find a new balance--- a way of juggling all the areas of my life and finding some time to relax and claim some me time.

Any thoughts??


Meg said...

Hey we still make time to hang out. It's just not as easy as it could be. We know you're trying.

You're successful at what you do because you're really good at meeting and exceeding your sales goals. Keep applying the same standard to yourself.

the muse said...

Darling you will NEVER be a tacky traveling insurance salesman, no matter what your age!

It is hard to balance work and life - wish I had some tips to offer you! Sometimes I put my foot down at work and declare that I'm "taking my life back" for a while (no overtime, no working from home, etc.) but that's not always possible. Guess I'll have to check back and see what other people suggest too!

Hang in there!!