I am aboslutely loving everything about my new home, career, and life in Chicago. I keep having to almost pinch myself that everthing is really happening and I am not dreaming.
It was a good all around weekend. Friday buddy Kurt & I went to see Superman- it was a good movie- kinda cheesy and predictable- but was well entertained.. I decided to call it a night early and just went home after the movie and crashed.
Saturday was all about my first BBQ- so I spend the day cleaning and cooking and getting the place ready for guests. It was a very informal BBQ and I am still in shock of how my liquor my guests consumed in such a short period of time. I do have lots of Miller Lite left if anyone cares to stop by and have a drink. I find it funny that in Columbus everyone drank Bud Light but this town seems to be a Miller Lite town. After the bbq a few of us headed to Halstead street to get into even more trouble-- we hade fun- but all stumbled home drunk, that God for cabs.
Today was very nice- I scoped out a local United Methodist Church- they start services at 11am- God bless them that I could sleep in and still make services. I then did some paperwork and household stuff before hitting the gym. After the gym it was so nice out I decided to take Trevor to the dog beach-- he loved it. He was so cute doing his little doggy paddle. I took lots of pictures and was getting ready to download them - but now my camera is acting up- I hope it is something small that can be fixed easily and inexpensively.
Overall things are going really well- here in Chicago. I just realized this evening that I have been single for almost a year- not quite sure how I feel about that -- I mean any shot at a rebound is over -- and I think that I would like some companionship- It is just tricky since I have just moved to a new town and I need to meet friends too and don't want a relatioship to monopolize all my attention. I am very thankful for my friends and all that has happened to me in the past year--
So- with all that being said if I can get my camera fixed- I will post dog beach pictures tomorrow.