Wednesday, August 22, 2007

On the road again-

Where is that Simple Life that Paris and Nicole were looking for? Where is the joys of coming home and making dinner? I have been on the road too much lately & I guess that it is wearing thin. But - alas the end is near. I heard from my boss last night that next week I will only be covering Northern IL & primarily focusing on Chicago. Since I live in Chicago, this means that I can pretty much be home every night! This is such welcome news--- now I can reserve travel for pleasure and fun with family and friends.

I am getting into the final stages of training for the marathon- this Saturday is my 18 mile run- wow. Yesterday I was doing a basic 45 minute run in Des Moines with 95 degree heat and humidity out the wazoo-- it was crazy. I think I sweat off like 10 pounds. It felt good that I could do it- that my body is conditioned enought ot take it.

I am sad to see the summer ending- the nights are noticably shorter now. The darkness of fall is coming upon us. I do love the splendor of fall and the changing of colors. I am reminded of good things that fall brings- like Apple picking (FUN!) I did recently find out that I have a conference this fall in Salt Lake City, Utah... now I can mark one more state off of my list of places to go.

My friends are my top priority for fall- spending time with Dawn and Missy and Megan- and apple picking with Laura.

1 comment:

the muse said...

You get to stay local for a whole week? NO WAY. That's great! Hopefully we can meet up one of these days and get caught up on what's new and exciting. Hope to see you soon!