Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Being a true gentleman-

Hello my loyal Blog readers- I hope that you had a great weekend.
I stayed around Columbus all weekend and got a great deal done! My new energy efficient furnace was installed on Friday. This will be nice to especially with the raising costs of gas!
I have started another CLU (insurance designation) course.... and let me tell you that estate planning can be really fun- Ok maybe not- but it will help you get to sleep at night.

The date Friday went really well on Friday - so well in fact that we watched the OSU game together on Saturday and then went to the Gallery Hop that night. I think we may also get together for a brief while tonite. Here is the survey part of the BLOG- so I am relying on YOU for some insight!!!! How much of an age difference is too much??? In the past 5 years I have noticed myself attracted to the 35-45 age range. I think most of this is due to the fact the I am mature for my age and very stable. Most elgible dates around 25-30 are anything but stable and looking for someone to take care of them. So -- any thoughts?? I am leaning towards who cares about the age- it more matters that you are compatible and love each other. Good idea??

OK- I'm outta here.. talk to you soon.


amber said...

We got a new furnace,last week, too! Expensive, but we're counting on it to save a lot of money in gas bills this winter.

As far as the age thing goes, I think that by the time we get to our age, we're mature enough to know what we want. So I'd say go for it. It'd be a whole different story, of course, if you were 18 or 19 and wanted to date someone 45. Then we'd need to talk.

So yeah, good idea.

Meg said...

Age is just a number.

Heather said...

I know how you feel - about being "older" than you are. I've always been told I'm an "old" soul in a young body. It's true and I'm fine with it.

It's this factor - how old you are internally with your interests, hobbies, etc. - that makes you attracted to other people and makes others attracted to you. How long you've been on Earth makes no difference. It's, as you say, your commonalities that make you or break you as a couple.

the muse said...

Age is all in the mind! It's more important that you have things in common and are compatible. Unless, of course, you're dating someone much younger... then you'd just be a dirty old man. ;)