Friday, October 21, 2005


To my loyal BLOG readers- I am sorry for the long delay in my writing. I just have not been in the chatty mood lately & therefore didn't have a lot to say. Perhaps it is because I am in this "blue" phase and have been for some time. It is all this being single AGAIN and facing 30 which is coming up in December. More than that it is taking a step back and looking over my life and realizing how quickly it is really flying by. Questioning to myself- is this where I want to be? What do I really want to do with my life? Is this as good as it gets (sorry for stealing the movie title). I have been working myself through several of these questions- and am feeling better- not completely out of the woods as of yet- but doing better.

My major spending spree on home improvements has continued. I purchased a new furnace this week... it is ironic that I will get the comission check to pay off the summer remodeling next week... just in time to take on more short term debt! Life is Funny like that- huh?

My church group is supposed to have a hayride/ bonfire tomorrow night- but the weather is not looking promising at all.

A major high-light of the week was lunch with a good friend Peggy yesterday. We worked together her at Nationwide for about 2 years and shared lunch a couple of times per week. She left here this spring for other endeavors- and I hadn't seen her since. It was great to catch up!

Gotta run for now!

1 comment:

Helene said...

Keep your chin up sweetie. I think your life is great. How can you not love your life. Beautiful home, great friends and a perfect puppy.