Monday, March 06, 2006

It's hard out there for a pimp....

I wrote this post last night while watching the Oscars- I am in shock that the Pimp song beat Dolly Parton--- what is this world coming to??? Yikes.. anyways here is the rest of my entry as written:

A very busy and a very fun weekend-

Where to begin? OK- well how about Friday night - I had a date! Wohoo.
Even though I said I was going to give up dating for lent- I let this one
squeak in at the last minute- so what the hey. I am not going to give out
much detiails- I'll keep my audience in suspense.

I had a great time- and we are to have dinner tonite (Monday night).

Saturday was a crazy busy day-- I have 2 incredible opportunities that I am
applying for within Nationwide. They both have good and bad points and
there are things that I really like about each of them. I am really turning
this one over to God and praying that the right opportunity is the one that
I am choosen for.
Saturday night my friend Alan and I checked out the new Q bar and nightclub
in downtown Columbus-- it was really nice. We stayed out a little too late-
so I kind of slept through church today- oops!
The parents stopped by for dinner on their way home from Florida. It was
nice to hear about their many wild adventures in the South.
Well I've got to get the work week started-- take care.


Laura said...

Darlin', so much for giving up dating for Lent, huh? I hope that next date also goes well.

amber said...

Did Stella set off any alarms? :0)

Lots of exciting things wishes for everything!

the muse said...

Andrew, I was not ignoring your voice mail on my cell phone. My phone has a love/hate relationship with vm - it loves to get messages and hates to give them back to me. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I'm praying for you with these opportunities. May you wind up where you are meant to be.

Keep us posted!!

Missy said...

I on the other hand Andrew was ignoring you! I admit it, but if you get the oppertunity you could try and call again and let me know what's up wit' dat! I to am praying for all the right things to happen for you. But I gotta admit I hope to see you soon.

Love You Studly!!!