Saturday, July 16, 2005

Saturday update.

It is hot and steamy in Ohio- summer has really arrived. I was just out sweeping my patio and it is so humind you practically tast the water on the air. NO FUN!

Trying to get the house together after all this remodeling is not fun- I will be very happy when this is all done and I can just have my home in one piece again. Today I loaded all the dishes back into the china cupboard. I didn't realize how much wine I had- a dinner party with lots of wine will be on the to-do list for sure!

I just talked with Megan from Chicago and she is so upbeat and full of life - even with the diagnosis of Hodgkins disease. If it can be beat Megan will do it. I have always said that I want Megan and I to enter the Amazing Race TV show (where you race around the world as a team to win 1 million dollars. Other that just being a great person to spend all that time with- Megan is out there to win and to her best. My prayers are still very much with her- but for now I am just focusing on making sure she has the best wedding possible next weekend.

Has anyone had any luck posted pictures to their blog?? I have tried and tried and tried with no luck. So if you want any recents pictures send me your email and I will be happy to provide.

Hope your weekend is going well.

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