Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Findng some peace among the chaos.

I am back from a lovely weekend of camping in the Great Smokey Mountains. The weather was ideal- actually a tad on the cool side to be real honest. It was a weekend of relaxing, sitting by the campfire, smores (YUM), getting some sun next to the pool, long morning hikes in the mountains, sharing great southern cooking with friends, and clear night skies filled with stars. I think that was the most beautiful part of the weekend-- the stars. Being up in the mountains away from the lights of the city you can see all the stars and they sparkle like a sea of diamonds. As I sat by the fire and watched the stars and heard the gentle sounds of the woods at night- I was overcome by peace. Among the chaos of hurricane Kartina, friends with health problems, and personal struggles with broken relationships I was flooded by an inner peace. I think it was allowing all my emotions and anxities to quiet and to relax and reflect on the beauty of God's creation. I walked away feeling a calm that I needed to go back and face the world once again. Thank God for nature!


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the muse said...

Welcome back Andrew! I am so glad you had a wonderful weekend - it sounds like it was just what you needed. I hope you continue to feel that peace and calm... at least until your next getaway! =)

Heather said...

I know what you mean. Yesterday we got our first taste of fall in SC. The humidity has dropped a ton, the temps are down and we have a nice breeze. Now, our leaves don't really turn until November, and then they turn and almost immediately fall off, but apparently butterflies in this state can turn. I saw three butterflies yesterday - one yellow, one orange, and one red. It was the coolest thing. It just made me smile. Amazing how simple things can make you so happy.

amber said...

these are gorgeous photos - thanks for sharing.

fall is my favorite season - I'm looking forward to it.

I hope that peace has translated into the rest of your week :0)