Friday, September 30, 2005

Live a Life of Integrity-

I need to vent-
I try to live my life with integrity and honesty in all that I do.
If I say I am going to do something - I do it.
I present myself for who I am and not who I want to be.

Is it too much to ask for others to do the same?

You may be asking yourself- what has brought this about - why this subject?

First of all- work... it continually frustrates me how many people in corporate America have no problems with lying, cheating, stealing, and pretty much doing nothing and collecting a paycheck. It seems to be easier to sleep your way to the top than to get there through hard work.

Second- the dating game. Whether it is online or the good ole fashioned way. If you say you wanna talk or get together - then just do it. If you say you are going to call then call.
Last night I was on the computer- and was instant messaging a new aquaintance --- at one point my trusty dog Trevor needed to go out for his final walk of the evening-- I type in the IM screen; "please excuse me.. I need to take my dog out."-- which was the honest truth. The reply I got was less than flattering--- it said something like "whatever you loser--- if you don't want to talk with me - just say so- you're just a game player like the rest." UGH UGH UGH!!!
In the course of being honest - I am accused of being a liar- Needless to say I took Trevor on a nice long walk to enjoy the cool evening air.. logged of the PC.. and went to bed.

So- to finish my lecture of the day- in all that you do- Live with Integrity!

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